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Why Tim Ferriss Outsourced His Dating Life…

Discover why a NY Times bestselling author thinks outsourcing your online dating is a good idea…

There are some people who feel like outsourcing is more trouble than it’s worth… They complain: you’ve got to find someone, train them, supervise them, and then pray nothing goes wrong… because usually something will.

At VIDA, we feel much differently.

Why It Makes Sense

In fact, we live and breathe outsourcing. We all work virtually and outsource all sorts of IT and marketing projects on the business side of things. Plus, I’ve been outsourcing personal tasks like my own online dating for years. And, of course, without our large list of clients who outsource their dating to us, we would cease to exist.

A few years back, Tim Ferriss, a bestselling author who first became famous when he published The 4-Hour Workweek, set out to prove — once and for all — that outsourcing was the best thing since sliced bread…

In The 4-Hour Workweek, Tim basically argues that, unless the task at hand is a passion of yours, you should pay someone else to do it for you if your time is worth more than what the tasks costs to outsource.

So, if you make $80,000 per year and are working 40 hours a week (or about 2000 hours/year), then your current hourly worth is about $40/hour. That means if it costs less than $40 an hour get someone to do it for you then you probably should. Doing this will allow you to free up time to pursue your true passions (or figure out how to make even more money by focusing on what you do best)…

In order to drive the point home, Tim decided to prove that outsourcing would work with anything — even the most unlikely task…

…And so he chose to outsource his dating.

So he hired 4-5 teams of people around the world to attract women and set up coffee dates on his behalf.

As they began finding dates for him, Tim got worried that he would get tangled in a logistical nightmare meeting up with one girl after another, so he arranged to book all of his dates back-to-back in 20-minute blocks, alternating between 3 different cafes on the same street.

Tim’s dating experiment was supposedly so successful that he ended up going on close to 30 dates, having great second dates with a number of them, and then dating one for a good period of time.

In Tim’s own words, this experiment is “an absurd and amusing example of just how effective personal outsourcing can be. If you can imagine it, you can delegate it.”

So for those who still think that outsourcing may be more trouble than it’s worth, I think you might want to focus on hiring better resources to delegate the work to rather than giving up on it altogether…


You Can't Hire Just Anyone

Online dating requires very specific and specialized skills in order to be successful, and you need to hire someone who *has* those skills.

When it comes to outsourcing your online dating, you certainly get what you pay for. That’s why my company, VIDA, hires professional writers and other modern dating experts…

… We meet women online all day, every day — and we’ve become extremely good at it. In fact, we’ve broken down the online dating process to a completely streamlined science. Want to see what we can do for your love life? Click here!

Want us to do your online dating for you?

Ally thumbnailHey, I'm Ally, VIDA Select's Director of Matchmaking.

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